Sector 001 Starfleet Database
Cat and Mouse- The Romulan Incursion of 2267


Klingon Starships
Proxima Class
ToTal ChAos
ToTal ChAos
Olympus Class
USS Exodus
Cat and Mouse- The Romulan Incursion of 2267
Constitution Class
Excelsior Class
Federation Starships
Constellation Class
Enterprise Class
Miranda Class
Daedalus Class
Valkyrie Class
Devastator Class
Alliance Class
Firehawk Class
K'Vort Class
Kahless Class
America Class
Eagle Class
D7 Class
K'Tinga Class
B'Rel Class
Alien Starships
Enterprise Tribute
Centaur Class
Akira Class
Intrepid Class
Defiant Class
Galaxy Class
Nebula Class
Ambassador Class

In 2267, there had been no contact between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire for over a century. The Earth-Romulan War left a lasting impression on both powers and the Romulan Neutral Zone was established as a result.

However, a lone Romulan Warship set out to test federation resolve by crossing the neutral zone and decimating several Earth Outpost Stations. The USS Enterprise got the tail end of a distress call from Earth Outpost 6 and proceeded there at maximum warp. Not knowing what a Romulan starship would look like after a century, the Enterprise inquired about the identity of the mysterious attacker. "Space vessel, identity unknown." Hanson replied. Minutes later he was space dust along with his outpost.

Enterprise Navigator Andrew Stiles had no doubt that it was the Romulans who attacked. Several generations of his family served in the Earth Defense Service during the war. "After a whole century how will we know what a Romulan vessel looks like?" Kirk asked "You'll know sir, they're painted like a giant bird of prey." Stiles replied
The Enterprise began shadowing the vessel while it was still in Federation Territory, scoring major hits at least three times.

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